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When planning for your future, be it in the long or short term, a Will is essential. Even those of us that think we have the most straightforward of lives can benefit from a professionally drafted Will.


Amongst other things Wills can:


  • Give you peace of mind that family and loved ones will be aware of your wishes in the event of your death

  • Make provision for the care of your children and provide financial security into their adulthood

  • Allow the people you trust the most to carry out your wishes and administer your estate

  • Ensure that only those people that you intend to will benefit from your estate

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In addition to the above Wills are indispensable if:-


  • You are in a relationship or marriage where there are children from previous relationships

  • There is discord within your family

  • You have parents or children suffering from a disability

  • You wish to protect certain assets within your estate or minimise your liability to Inheritance Tax


We offer friendly and comprehensive advice on all aspects of the creation of Wills and lifetime planning. If you require a new Will to be prepared or an existing Will to be updated, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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